Monday, May 7, 2012

Leaving Dominica for Martinique

The last night in Dominica we visited the markets as in fruit and veggies. Very colorful and friendly people. Our boat boy Pancho (should have taken a picture of him gorgeous man with long dreadlocks and one of those red scarfs around his head,wearing a t-shirt with cannabis pictures and high written on it. He waved hello and said it was the environmental high) was not impressed with Australia winning the cricket from the West Indies. We spend another night rolling on a mooring ball. In the morning we banged into our friends boat next to us on a mooring as well. So much for well spaced balls. Then Rocky told me to have a look at the front and I saw the flying fish no longer flying but stiff on our deck. We heard about people getting knocked over the head with flying fish and getting fish flying aboard but sofar we have not had this. Now I should tell or maybe I have already about the huge flying fish that was chasing a small one. We were sitting up on the deck cabin watching the sunset with a drink (amaretto rum which might have accounted for seeing it if I would have been the only one). Anyway the big fish chased the little one dipping in the water occasionally. Then the little fish turned around and the big fish chased again.
Anyway after about 7 hours of calm water sailing we are now arriving in Fort the France the capital of Martinique. I baked Anzac biscuits on the way. There is also a photo of Ford de France it is a big city and a little yellow bird which I think was tired and sat on our boat in different spots for a while. We anchored our first night in Trois Ilets where the Josephine (napoleons wife) was born.

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